Better Yields Through Science

AF36 Prime

Aflatoxin: Costly Contaminants

Aflatoxins are toxic chemicals produced by specific strains of common fungi. Aflatoxin levels are regulated by the government to ensure quality and safety in several commodities. Detectable levels of aflatoxin have a trading disadvantage and higher aflatoxin levels can be considered unmarketable resulting in major losses to producers.

AF36 Prime is a fungus coated on a sterilized sorghum seed serving as both a carrier and nutrient source for growth of the beneficial fungus. Once AF36 Prime is applied and exposed to sufficient moisture, the product will produce green spores that are spread to the crop by wind and insects. As the spores spread, Prime will competitively displace aflatoxin producing strains.

Application Reference

  • Approved use on Corn, Cotton, Pistachios, Almonds & Figs
  • Apply when night temperatures are 70 degrees or higher (May – July)
  • Apply three days prior irrigation or anticipated precipitation
  • Apply 10 lbs. per acre on top soil (limit herbicide applications during application time for best efficacy)

What Results Can I Expect?

AF36 does not directly reduce aflatoxin, it competitively displaces aflatoxin producing fungi. Annual, area wide use will optimize the fungal community in the soil. Doing so, reduces the association of aflatoxin producers, making the atoxigenic strain (AF36) the dominant occupant in the soil.
